Thursday, December 13, 2012

12 Lists of Christmas: Things I put off till the last minute.

Still with the 12 list countdown.

Who else is feeling the re-tiltle of this to :

The 12 days of Listmas?

List number one was a gift guide, list number two was holiday movies.

Today's apropirately themed list is

12 things I put off to the last minute before the holidays.

1. Christmas shopping. I still have quite a few people left (and I'm a student, let's be honest, I don't shop for that many people!)

2. Christmas baking. I have done a tonne of baking this month, and what do I have to show for it? none it's all been eaten! But I do have over $200 dollars raised for charity today, and this awesome picture of our periodic table of cupcakes (oooh yeah nerds!)

IMG-20121213-00350, Uploaded by Photobucket Mobile for BlackBerry

3. Packing to travel home. Flying home next weekend, in years past packing happens morning of, lets try and change that this time around!

4. Paper writing. As a perpetual student, I always have a paper due before the holidays, in true grad student fashion, I once again left it to the last minute!

5. Mailing my Christmas Cards. I make my own, and this year I was way ahead of the game on that. Now lets see if I can get them in the mail by (lets say Tuesday).

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6. Christmas knitting. I usually do some knitting for someone's gift for Christmas. I usually spend Christmas eve frantically sewing in ends.

8. Tree decorating. Ok mine's been up since the middle of November. It's only about half decorated tho.

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9. Christmas travel. Once again, I will be getting home on the 23rd....which isn't so bad compared to those rushing home on the 24th I suppose.

10. Pre Christmas apartment cleaning. Often I get back to Calgary to find my apartment in the mess I left it (usually by packing at the last minute) let's try to avoid that this year.

11. Christmas Painting. I once gave my parents an oil painting of one of their wedding photos for Christmas. The paint was still wet as I had painted it the night before.

12. Annnd finally Christmas blogging. But hey things can change, and I'm holding myself accountable on this Listmas thing.

Anyways hope you are having a great Thursday! What do you leave to the last minute during the holidays? Let me know in the comments.

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