Monday, February 22, 2016

Mono-Di Twins.... or why I get to have ultrasounds and OB appointments every two weeks.

I wrote this post about a month ago... and then decided I wanted to make a video before I uploaded it. So that's where I've been. I'm up to 6 ultrasounds now, with many many more in our future. Twins are healthy and growing, and my baby bump is growing with them.

That's me at 20 weeks and I'm 21 and a half now! Anyways, on to the post!

This past week has been a whirl wind for sure. We drove across Canada last weekend.

No small feat for a girl 16 and a half weeks pregnant with twins. All I can say to that is thank goodness the second trimester has meant the end of all those pesky 1st T symptoms.

I got back to work full time (and then some) in the lab and with teaching.

And I had an appointment to see my GP on Tuesday, my OB on Wednesday, and for an Ultrasound on Thursday.

My 4th ultrasound to be exact.

That's right... I'm only 17 weeks along, and I've had 4 ultrasounds already. Keep in mind, the average pregnant woman (here in Canada at least) will usually get 2, maybe 3 ultrasounds. I'm referring to official ones, done at a radiology clinic, some OB's have portable ultrasound devices in their office and will take a peek at your babies at each visit.

So as for the 2-3 US you typically get booked in for

1) a dating ultrasound - if you have any reason to be uncertain about your dates, probably done between 6 and 11 weeks

2) a first trimester screening ultrasound - also called the Nuchal Translucency ultrasound - done between 12 and 14 weeks - optional, but combined with a blood test, its a non-invasive way to determine your baby's risk for Down Syndrome and a couple other chromosomal disorders

3) a detailed anatomy scan - usually done between 18 and 21 weeks, this is the one where most people will find out the sex of their baby, but more importantly, they will take detailed measurements of just about all parts of your baby's anatomy to make sure everything is developing ok

So why have I had 4 ultrasounds already? And why do I have them scheduled every two weeks until the babies arrive?

Because I am carrying Mono/Di twins.

And I wanted to take a moment to explain what that means. And the best way I could think to do that was to put together a little video. So please take a minute to watch and learn a little bit more about twins.

So yeah... I'm having medium risky, Mono-di twins... who have been practicing sharing since they embedded in my uterus and grew only one single placenta.

And as wonderful and exciting as it is to get to see my little peanuts so often, watching them grow, it's also a bit of a worrisome roller coaster for me. After each ultrasound I am so happy to see how far they've come, but as I approach the next one I begin to worry if this time they might not be growing on track, or if there may be signs that they aren't sharing as well as they should be. I won't go into specific risks, because google-ing while pregnant is a terrible idea, but Kevin and I are both involved in medicine enough to know more about those risks than we want to.

We are also both very appreciative to be living in a part of the world (Canada) where we are receiving this very frequent screening. And without having to worry about health insurance costs. It's comforting to know that I have a great OB, and a wonderful team at the Maternal Fetal Medicine EFW clinic all on my side. To be in a city with a children's hospital and incredible NICU that hopefully we wont need. And to have loving support systems to help with some of those worries.

So, my little Mono-Di, identical peanuts. Keep on growing, keep on sharing, and mommy and daddy can't wait to meet you guys.

Well we can wait.

We can wait until June.