Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Thoughts from the Myograph

I'm at the pressure myograph all afternoon in the lab today, tomorrow, Friday, all next week, all the following week, all next month... forever basically.

What that means is a do about 20minutes of some complicated work under a microscope, and then I watch a black line move across this screen for the next 3 hours while periodically turnings nobs or refilling the buffer. Also I watch out for bubbles disturbing the reading.

All and all, it's very thrilling (actually sometimes it is, but I think it's an acquired taste lol). Which gives me plenty of time for working on school work, or piddling around on the interwebs. I try to find a balance between the two so I don't go insane.

Here are a few of today's thoughts from the Myograph.

1) Recently a pharmacist pleasantly surprised me. Usually when you go to refill your birth control prescription (even if the pharmacy is dead, and they are clearly not doing anything...once he was even just sitting there playing candy crush on his phone), the pharmacist says sure, I'll have that ready for you in 20 minutes. 20 Minutes! come on, this is not something you need to count or weigh, all you have to do is grab the boxes of a shelf and stick them in a bag with the receipt.  This is really a ploy you see, often time the pharmacist has a stake in the company (many of them are franchise owners) so the 20 minutes gives you time to browse the store, hopefully spending some money. This time however, she said "I'll get that for you right now." Grabbed 3 boxes off the shelf, shoved it in the bag, printed the receipt and sent me on my way.

2) I need to buy more wooden matches. Last night I spent an hour lighting, blowing out, and gluing about 100 of them. Looks like I need about 300 more to finish this project.

3) Speaking of pinterest worthy art projects, have you ever watched Man VS Pin on YouTube? because you should. It's a show produced by the lovely people at ThreadBanger, and I'd say it's both educational and entertaining, plus it shows you just how garbage about half of Pinterest DIYs really are. Here's a cool one for a personalized Easter Egg Note. Why Easter? Because following the trend of XMas stuff going up in stores before Halloween, I thought we should just skip right on past Valentines Day to Easter.

4) One size fits all shops (not just for the apple store anymore....ok that's my own personal view). But one size fits all women's clothing shops are springing up everywhere. We got one of these in the form of Brandy Melville here in Calgary at Market Mall this summer, and I even bought two t-shirts there, which I love. Both 'one size fits all', interestingly while I fit into some OSFA items from this store, I did not fit into others. Hmmmmm. So please watch this amazing video by Buzz Feed, where a group of beautiful, unique, women prove that 'One Size' doesn't even fit most.

5) While I was writing this post and running this experiment, we had a fire alarm and had to evacuate the building for about 15 minutes. When I came back I found $5 on the floor in my very deserted hallway. Is it terrible if I keep it? Weigh in in the comments. Hope you all are having a lovely Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. I think you can keep the $5! It would be really hard to find the person who lost it and its only $5 so you can't feel too bad about it!
