Sunday, January 4, 2015

Here's to 2015!

It's the first Sunday, the first new full week of 2015, and I can't tell you how much I am looking forward to this new year.

In many ways 2014 felt like a deja vu year for me. Or at least like a year where not very much was moving forward. 2015, however, is already set up to be a year full of change, and that's exactly what I need.

We rung in the new year in Sault Ste. Marie with my family, with ping pong, beer pong and fireworks.

Lots of fireworks, all set off in the snow about 4 feet from our back deck! The lighting of the Shoppers Drugmart fireworks is a long standing Bruni family tradition. A second tradition is the failure of the lighters to work in the -20 weather, which just adds to the anticipation and excitement.

OK so the first bit of the video is just us waiting for a lighter to work, while listening to the painful sound of my recorded voice, but it's worth the wait I swear!

Here's to 2015, which will hopefully be a great year for me personally, professionally, creatively and here on my blog. I can't wait to share it all with you. Starting off with some resolutions this week. A recap of the holidays. A pile of Xmas knitting. Some of the books I'm looking forward to reading this month. A exciting trip to Hawaii and plenty more!

Thanks for sticking with me, and sharing in My life out of a Lab Coat! Happy New Year, here's to all the best in 2015.


  1. Looks like a fun time! Happy New Year!

  2. Sounds like some exciting things ahead! Happy New Year :)

    1. Yeah should be a great year, happy new year to you as well!

  3. I have no idea what you spoke about, but I suppose it was something about sport and about this cute guy on the photo. Can you, please, translate your posts in English? It's highly needed! I need it as much as I need my That's great source with good people and I bet you'll like it.
