Monday, October 13, 2014

Blog Purge: to unfollow or not to unfollow

Tonight I went to add another blog to my reading list in Blogger, only to recieve a notification that I could not follow any more blogs, and to please delete some.

So it was time for a Blog Purge

I've been blogging for years now. So some of the blogs on the old follow list have been there for years. And as I clicked through them, I found that some of them hadn't posted anything in 3 or more years. Clearly they could be let go.

It's not that I had been holding on to them all this time, it's just that they have been out of site out of mind, if they don't post, they don't show up in the reading pane, and you eventually forget they exist.

Unfortunately when I clicked the little gear wheel to manage my reading subscriptions, it just wouldn't load (probably a result of following too many blogs). So I thought about other ways I could go about following the blogs I want, and purging the ones that were not longer active (or interesting to me).

In the past I had tried following blogs through RSS feeds, or though bloglovin or google+. There are some I follow through twitter more or less, and others that I follow through 20sb, but I have always loved having the reading list right in blogger.

With that reading list failing me now, I thought I'd go unessesarily old school with things, and just create a word document full of links, and organize the blogs into categories like: Bloggers, Canadian Bloggers, Knitting and Crochet, Inspiration, Health and Fitness, Food, Fashion... etc. And just give that a try for now.

In the mean time, how do you follow peoples blogs? Leave me a comment to let me know how, and I'll add you to my word document!


  1. I use Feedly to read all of the blogs I follow. It's a pretty great little tool!

  2. My blogroll is my best friend for following blogs. As I discover more blogs one way or another, I'll put them into a 'blog evaluation' bookmark. If they stay current, and I still like them, I'll periodically review my blog roll. Blogs that haven't updated in a long while get removed, and the new ones added. A few times I've thought about adding categories, but have never got around to it. I've never had any luck with Feedly or Bloglovin or any of those other services, and always come back to my own blogroll.

    1. Nice I keep a couple of blogs in book marks... usually if I'm trying out a new blog, I'll follow it on twitter, and if I find myself clicking back to it a couple of times then I follow it for reals. Thanks for stopping by to comment Keith!

  3. I haven't blogged in forever, but I still like to keep up with the blogs that I'm following. Like Bex, I also love using Feedly. I like that I can organize it by groups/categories, so that way I can keep blog friends separate from science blogs and crafting blogs, etc.

    1. Hmmm I'm going to have to take yours and Bex's advice and give Feedly a try! Thanks for commenting!
