Thursday, February 13, 2014

Knitting Corner: Dog Gone Cute Coat

Today I thought I'd show off a little more of my Christmas knitting.

Since I was going to be spending Christmas with Kevin's family, I knew I wanted to make something special to wrap up for under the tree, and a blanket would have taken more time than I had in the month leading up to the holidays. So I thought why not do something I really enjoy, and knit a sweater for their dog Taz.

Besides, this sweater would be special, you see, Taz looks just like a younger version of my own dog Flurry, and when Flurry was a puppy, my Grandmother knit him the exact same sweater. In fact I'd be knitting it from the same pattern, lovingly passed down to me.

The pattern comes from the book Dog Gone Cute, (Leisure Arts #3318) and also has a matching blanket (which Flurry still has and loves!) but for now I just went with the sweater. It knit up very fast, I started and finished the project in well under a week, and turned out just too cute!

So of course I did a photo shoot with Taz, who just loved it, and just in time to keep him warm during January's Polar Vortex!

Taz was a perfect model! The coat fit him great, and the little red buttons look just right. On the back of the coat is a dog bone, dog house and a little white Taz too!


  1. Oh my goodness! Your dog is adorable!!! I love the sweater. :) Nice to meet you! #SITSBlogging

  2. The byproducts include the "throw away" parts of the plants and animals. Stalks, petals, beaks, fur, and feathers are common byproducts that can be processed into your animal's food.

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