Monday, February 10, 2014

5 tips for embracing your hectic, full, amazing life

Do you ever feel like your days are just running away with you?

Or worse than that, do you ever flip ahead in your calendar only to find nearly every weekend and evening is already accounted for, for weeks on end?

Or even still, do you find your summer filled up with commitments before spring has even arrived?

For the past year, my life has become increasingly 'Full'. And with my 26th birthday only a week away, I've come to terms with this as simply being a matter of adulthood, a fact of life. Especially a fact of a successful, happy, purpose-filled life.

That being said, it is too easy to be swept away as the pages of your day planner fill up and flip bye. Too easy to find yourself exhausted, dazed and confused, unsatisfied on Friday night, wondering where your week has gone.

 Image from A Bowl Full of Lemons, who ran a photo a day in Sept on day planners!

And so I give you 5 simple tips for embracing your hectic, full, amazing life:

1) Schedule Everything. If you don't have a day planner in your purse, a week planner on your desk and a monthly calendar in your kitchen, you're doing it wrong. Oh and if you're like me, google calendar is always open in your browser and constantly in sync with your phone. Set aside a half hour or so at the beginning of every week to populate and sync up those calendars or you will miss things.

2) Schedule Everything! That's right, include your workouts, date nights, shopping sprees with the girls in your calendar. And make them non negotiable, no it's not okay to cancel a dinner date with the boy because a last minute tutoring appointment came up.

3) Let yourself be lazy sometimes. If you are simply too exhausted too wake up that extra 2 hours early so you can hit the gym before work. Hit snooze and skip it. Guilt free. (that's the real trick, try not to let the guilt drag you down the rest of the day, or the snooze won't have been worth it). It's ok to do this every now and then. But don't make it a habit!

4) Leave some blank space. In general, try not to book up every minute of every day. In specific, I like to leave half an hour (minimum) in between tasks and appointments. I try to keep one evening a week totally blank. And one weekend a month with nothing major planned. You need free time, either to do all the little odds and ends things, to casually clean your home, or even just to watch half a season of Archer on Netflix while knitting. Savour the down time, protect it, because it is rare and beautiful.

5) Reflect on your accomplishments. Any time you wonder if being busy all the time is worth it, flip the pages back in your calendar and revel in all the amazing stuff you've done with your time. If you're a grad student like me, be amazed at all the travelling you've done, while working on your thesis, running your Grad association, TA'ing and tutoring, blogging, knitting, cooking and training for races. Heck I even have a social life on top of that! If I didn't keep as many day planners as I do, there'd be no way I'd be half as productive!

How do you manage to juggle the one hundred million little (and big) things that make life so wonderful (and crazy)? Let me know in the comments!


  1. I should schedule better! I find that so difficult!



    Personal Style Blog WWW.REDREIDINGHOOD.COM

  2. I actually love scheduling. I love it because it keeps me organized and I do all of these things you suggested! SITS girl checking in!

  3. I live by schedules myself - although I also schedule in some 'open space' to catch up when my 2 little ones divert my scheduled plans ;) Rhondda #SITSBlogging

  4. I love how you have 'Schedule everything' for #1 and #2. It is so true and the most important thing to stay on tap of things. You are right to allow some downtime in between appointments. If an appointment goes over in time, you have a small cushion. If it doesn't, then it is bonus time to decompress, read a book or do a little sightseeing. Have a great week! Shaunna @ Tempting Thyme

  5. Personally, I don't follow all of these-- I hate using a planner, so I just remember everything (for my husband and myself!). But I agree how important it is to schedule down time- I don't let that escape me! Stopping by from SITS.

  6. great blog! glad i found you! #SITSBlogging

  7. Love this list! Downtime is vital to keep you from burning out for sure!

  8. I've started saying NO to things much more often. I have 3 kids, a husband and a full time job. I can't do it all nor do I want to.

  9. I'm always trying to get more organized with my scheduling, especially blogging. I'll have a binder one day with schedules and then decide to use something else. Life can be hectic, however, scheduling stuff does help. Still working on this.... #SITSBlogging.

  10. I recently purchased a PlumPaper organizer off of Etsy and it's my lifesaver. Otherwise, I would be completely lost.
    Visiting from SITS! :)

  11. I agree I think organization is key to getting anything done. I am going to have to try the suggestion above, PlumPaper organizer, sounds great. #sitsblogging

  12. great list - simple but captures some key points and yes leaving some blank spaces and time for ourselves is so important. #SITSblogging

  13. Leaving free time between appointments is a great idea. I tend to run over my allotted time though... I wonder if I would sub-consciously consider that space extra time to do something I'm already doing. ;)


  14. I love number 1 & 2!! Haha. Also, your planner is adorable!! Planning definitely helps me stay calm and focused on what I need to do. Also, it feels awesome when I able to cross it all off!!


  15. A nice reminder - I'm great at scheduling, not so good at leaving blank space.

  16. Great tips!! I've got to schedule EVERYTHING with two little boys!! Great post! #SITSBlogging

  17. You definitely need to schedule to have some sort of balance and peace in a busy household with two working parents and two kids in school full time. I am a huge list maker and I find this helps to keep things under control..

  18. Yes, yes, yes. I've not been scheduling much this year because my daughter has been home from school *a lot*, but I need to get back into it. Nothing like it to make you feel like you have some control over the crazy. Which you do, of course.

  19. The Type A in me loves this! #SITSBlogging

  20. This is why my I LOVE my calendar and lists. I just love seeing things crossed off and having everything in one place. I just feel so accomplished with it. Even when the spaces are blank. I seriously would cry if I lost my planner. {as well as my mind!}
    Great post!
    Stopping by from SITS

  21. I am a type A planner. I have a planner for my daily to-dos, a family calendar, and blog planner. I am a paper and pen girl. I don't know what I would do without my planners! I would be so lost without them!! These are great tips!

  22. My life is crazy with work, family, and attempting to maintain some of my own interests on top of that. Keeping a calendar with everything on it is a MUST. Your advice about leaving yourself some margin between appointments is very wise. Great post! #SITS

  23. This post is right up my ally :) I have a Filofax & live in my planner so that I know exactly what my schedule is and when I can carve out free time. ~ Renee

  24. I'm less rigid with my planner than I was as a busy mom and teacher. Now life is a little more flexible, but I do find having a basic plan is important, just not essential to survive!

  25. Life can get crazy and scheduling is a great idea. Stopping by from #SITSblogging.
    The Adored Home

  26. I don't sleep, that's how. There just aren't enough hours in a day. #SITSBlogging.

  27. Agree with your points. I definitely schedule a lot.. but sometimes it classes with others that are less of a planner and more spontaneous.

  28. Great ideas, thanks for sharing! I have a "major" planner at home that keeps all my monthly and weekly agendas, and once a week my husband and I try to sit down and go through it together so that we both know what's going on and in case I get sick or anything he can easily pick up where I left off and continue on with the necessities!

  29. I love the idea of keeping a blank space. It reminds me to honor the quiet.

  30. Sometimes it becomes difficult to manage all the things that life offer us in the whole day but it goes on. I find nice your first point - Schedule Everything. #SITSBlogging

    Check out my post on Love Quotes

  31. I think it's so important to leave blank space just to rest and enjoy life! It goes so fast! Great list of how to embrace a busy schedule! Stopping by from #SITSBlogging

  32. For me, the schedule everything approach doesn't work as I have a chronic neurological condition which dictates my day to day capabilities. But I do live by my to do lists and organizers, mostly because my memory isn't great. I still enjoyed reading this post as I still need to remember to do fun stuff in addition to paying attention to my health. Thanks! #SITSBlogging

  33. I've recently begun keeping a real paper planner and I love it. I've always relied on my phone/etc and, personally, there is something about seeing it on paper that really helps me stick to a plan. Thanks for the tips #SITSBlogging

  34. Loved your awesome tips! I always have to organize and list. I'm lost without it. Thank you for posting helpful ideas. Visiting with #SITSBlogging
