Saturday, February 18, 2012

25 before 25

Yesterday was my 24th Birthday! Yeah! Woo! etc.

Now I'm not actually super into my birthday, didn't even make definitive plans, just played things by ear, and ended up having a really nice time over the last 48 hours.

This year however, I have been looking forward to my birthday for one specific reason, I've made a list of 25 things to do in the next year, before I turn 25.

Now this list is made up of things I've done before but want to make sure I do again this year, as well as things I've never done, some are work(phd) related, some are supposed to make me a better person, some are just fun. There's no order of importance, but I will attempt them all.

So here they are (in case you can't read my sideways writing).

  1. Run a half marathon
  2. Donate blood again
  3. Get a new camera
  4. Take an art or photography class
  5. Go camping
  6. Visit 5 new places
  7. Host a breakfast, lunch and dinner
  8. Get a first author paper
  9. Go trail riding
  10. Adopt a kitten
  11. Learn to bake with yeast
  12. Knit and donate 5 sweaters
  13. Try a fun hair colour
  14. Write my thesis proposal, get it approved
  15. Take a dance class...hip hop?
  16. Scramble 5 mountains
  17. Watch a sunrise
  18. Visit a museum
  19. Make a quilt
  20. Float the bow
  21. Make my own bath bombs
  22. Get a tattoo
  23. Read 20 new books
  24. Volunteer with Habitat for Humanity
  25. Print more photos

I'll let you know how it goes!

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