Thursday, December 12, 2013

Deck the Halls!

Is it getting chilly where you are yet? We just came off of a week of -30 and colder weather, and let me tell you, there's only a few ways to warm things up when you're facing that kind of weather! One of my favourites? Cozy-ing up with a mug of tea in front of the Christmas Tree. (want to try something better than tea? how about this spicy hot chocolate recipe?)  I recently put mine up, and it really brightens the whole room.

However, apart from my tree, the rest of my apartment really doesn't look all that Christmas-y. So I've been looking around for ideas to add some extra jingle to my place.

Maybe a wreath on the door?

This beautiful number would look great all winter long. (buy it here)

Or something to stuff full of gifts come Christmas Morning.

If only I had a mantel to line with stockings! (pick up this lovely number here).

Even just a splash of colour, like a pair of throw cushions or a cherry red blanket can make any room seem all the more festive. 

I'd love to snuggle up with that gorgeous cabled throw. (Who couldn't use a little cashmere?)

At the end of the day there are so many perfect ways to decorate your home for the holidays, and you can scour the pinterest and the internet looking for beautiful, unique and trendy ideas. (Home and Garden TV has shared some of their favourite tips, I particularly like the snow flake curtain at the end, right up my DIY alley). And I just know that one day (in the hopefully not too distant future) I'll have my own house, just stuffed full of bins of Christmas decorations ready to come out on November 1st, just like my mother! Until then, and living in the sometimes cramped corners of a one bedroom apartment, I'll have to be more selective, thinking long and hard over each purchase. I'll look for items that will warm up my apartment all winter long, not only until December 25th. And more importantly, choose decorations that I will be excited to unpack each and every year, like my pretty white tree, and my glitter covered deer!

Is your home decorated for the holidays yet? What do you take into consideration when buying new Christmas decorations? Do you have any favourite pieces that you pull out year after year? Let me know in the comments!

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