Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Leibster Award number 3

I'm back in action folks, have 95% overcome the month long cold/sore throat/sinus infection from hell, have travelled to Cuba, Boston and Banff, have organized my impending candidacy exam and essentially been a sick headless chicken for the past month and a half.

Today, however, I bring two things to the blog table.

1. You can now 'like' me on Facebook!! how exciting!

2. I've been again nominated for a Leibster Award (score!) this time by the lovely Kit at What A Peach

If you don't know what a Leibster award is, its a reader appreciation (I guess) award for small blogs (less than 200 follows).

To accept this award there are a few rules:
- Post 11 random facts about yourself
- Answer the 11 questions the person that nominated you asked
- Go back to the person that nominated you and let them know you have answered their questions with a link to the answers
- Ask 11 questions for the bloggers you are going to nominate
- Nominate 11 bloggers with few followers
- Go to their blog and mention you have nominated them and give them a link to find the questions you have asked them and to find out more
- No tag backs

The first time I was nominated (here) I jumped through all the hoops, the second time (here) I just answered the 11 questions back. Today, out of the interest of fun, I'm going to give you 11 fun facts as well!

11 random funtime facts about me!
  1. I don't mind doing laundry, but I hate putting the clean clothes away afterwards.
  2. I prefer dogs to cat but will likely get a kitten before a puppy.
  3. One summer I was a sea lamprey wrangler for my summer job.
  4. Last Thursday I was awake for 21 hours straight on only 4 hours sleep.
  5. Every six to eight months I get bored with my hair, last summer I dip dyed it teal... it's getting to that point again only I haven't decided what to do next.
  6. My mother will inevitably be angry with the dye job.
  7. I am genuinely contemplating not eating meat one day a week.
  8. Last night I did squats with 95lbs (for the first time in a couple months) today moving hurts.
  9. I cried during the Fellowship of the Ring when Gandalff 'died', despite knowing he doesn't really.
  10. Sometimes I melt shredded cheese on a tortilla and then roll it up and eat it...saddest unhealthy snack ever.
  11. I am so excited for the new season of arrested development on netflix, I bought this T-shirt while I was in Boston.

Now to answer Kit's 11 questions!

1. What’s your favourite breakfast?
The Hobbit Hole breakfast from Dennys (discontinued) which featured eggs cooked inside a hole in a cheese biscuit!
2. Records, CDs or iPod?
CDS! haha mainly because its either that or the radio in my car....and yes I still make myself mixed CDS.
3. What item(s) of jewellery do you wear daily?
Pretty close to everyday I wear the Tiffany's heart tag and little key my mom got me for Christmas a couple years ago.
4. What was your favourite childhood book?
Tough one, my dad used to read me the Secret Garden, and the Boy Next Door when I was little.
5. Behind the camera or in front of it?
I'm a bit of both, I can be really bad tho for taking my camera along and not remembering to take it out, once its out I'll take about a million pictures.
6. Stripes or spots?
Stripes, actually wearing some today.
7. If you could live in any different era, when would it be?
The 60s, and I'd follow the Beatles around like the world's best fangirl.
8. What is your favourite type of hat (to wear or to look at)?
Yeesh, as I was explaining to the boyfriend yesterday, I rarely think I look good in hats, and therefore choose intentionally ridiculous ones (like my spirit hood, or giant sun hat).
9. What essentials can always be found in your fridge?
10. What does a typical Sunday morning look like for you?
Sleep in till noon?
11. What kind of weather are you having right now?
It was beautiful in Calgary this weekend, sunny and warm...but I woke up to snow/freezing rain all over my car this morning.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Classy Lululemon Bags: a dificult decision

The past week and a half has been a total wirl wind. I got back from Cuba, well relaxed, and was imediately thrown back into things. With a Talk and a Poster to present in Boston this weekend, a major committee meeting, the last two days of classes for the course I TA, planning the social events for our departmental retreat, and trying to get a little bit of science done. Add to that still having what I'm beginning to believe is tuberculosis (well not really), and you can see why I haven't been posting.

To celebrate getting through everything on my giant list, I thought I'd head into Lululemon, and treat myself to the gorgeous bag I've been eyeing for about a month.

The Vinyasa to Vino Bag, Neoprene, Black

Isn't it pretty and super classy?  This large, zippered bag would be great to carry my laptop, a spair pair of shoes, a sweater and water bottle around in at the Conference I'm attending this weekend in Boston.

However, when I got to the store, they had the Urban Oasis Tote, Neoprene, Black on mark down to $79 bucks! Compared to the Vinyasa bag at $138, I had to consider it. So I put both bags side by side on a table and here's the comparison I made.

Needless to say I went with the Oasis Tote! It's packed full and ready to go to Boston with me tomorrow. I will be there until next Wednesday, then I'm off to Banff for our departmental retreat Thursday Friday. I'm a busy girl, what can I say? Hopefully I'll find time to write some posts while I'm away, if not enjoy your week!

What bag would you buy? Vinyasa or Oasis?

Monday, April 8, 2013

Featured on 20 something bloggers

Well I'm back from Cuba, it was a great trip (pictures, resort review, and some good stories to follow), but unfortunately I was greeted in Calgary by several inches of snow over the weekend. That wasn't the only thing waiting for me when I got off the plane, there was also an email from the admin staff over at 20 something bloggers, informing me that I have been voted April's Featured Blogger (yeah, woooo, yeah!).

If you've never heard of 20sb, it's an online community that is exactly what it sounds like, full of great 20somethings with great blogs and overall is a totally supportive, active and amazing community. I'd highly recommend you check it out!

To see my feature guest post, just click on over right here.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Snow over Spruce Meadows

I've only got a few days left in Cuba, drinking Pina Coladas in the sun. So for today, I'll let you take a peak at the fabled Spruce Meadows; covered under a blanket of fresh snow.

Ok so there wasn't that much snow left in Calgary when I took these, and this friendly fellow was out enjoying a roll or two to celebrate Spring. I hope Spring weather is finding you too, where ever you're reading from, and I'll be back next week with tonnes of pictures and stories from my vacation.

Thanks for reading, and don't forget you can follow along via Bloglovin!

Follow on Bloglovin

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The A-Z of Me, Part 2

Ok, I'll admit it, I'm kind of a sucker for these simple posts. I did an A-Z list back in August. This one is a bit different, and after finding it on a fellow Canadian's Blog *pixie diaries* I thought hey I'll do it again. Besides, I'm in Cuba this week, and posts like this are great for scheduled content right?

Ok, I'm not a pilot, my dad is, but I do love to fly!

A. Age: 25
B. Bed size: Double. But its bigger and more comfortable than any of the bed's I'd had in the four years before moving out to Calgary.
C. Chore that you hate:Putting away laundry, especially socks. I don't mind washing it, but sometimes it takes me weeks to put it away.
D. Dogs: I have a Flurry, who is old and lumpy and lives back at home with my parents, he's a bichon frise. I can't wait to get my own puppy one day!
E. Essential start to your day: Have to brush my teeth the second I wake up, I hate morning breath taste.
F. Favorite color: Maybe turquoise?
G. Gold or Silver: Silver or better yet, white gold.
H. Height: 5'7"
I. Instruments you play: I had piano lessons when I was really, really little. I consider myself to be pretty musically challenged tho.
J. Job title: Grad student/science slave.
K. Kids: That's something for future Sara.
L. Live: Calgary, Alberta.
M. Mother’s name: Eva (hi mom! I love you! she is my biggest fan!)
N. Nicknames: ummmm not really any that stick
O. Overnight hospital stays: Probably when I was born, that's it tho.
P. Pet peeves: Bad drivers/people who drive waaaaay too slow in parkades.
Q. Quote from a movie:

Rumack: Can you fly this plane, and land it? Ted Striker: Surely you can't be serious. Rumack: I am serious... and don't call me Shirley From Airplane! the movie.
R. Right or left handed: Right.
S. Siblings: 1 younger brother, Mark.
T. Time you wake up: On good days, 6:30ish.
U. Underwear: I could hide out under there....I just made you say underwear. ~Pinch Me, the Barenaked Ladies
V. Vegetable you hate: Hot peppers. Actually I can't eat hot food period.
W. What makes you run late: When I let myself sleep in, or when I can't find something right before heading out the door.
X. X-Rays you’ve had: dental, broken fingers, lungs... I think that's it.
Y. Yummy food that you make: I'm off to bake some banana muffins right now!
Z. Zoo animal: I donno, here's a tiger from the Calgary, Zoo!


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

From the top of Sulphur Mountain, Banff

By now, with any luck, I've got a nice bronze tan under the hot Cuban sun. So while I enjoy summer, here's some more beautiful winter scenery. Today I present you the view from the top of Sulphur Mountain, in the town of Banff, Alberta. A quick, cozy ride up the Gondola, will take you to one of the best vantage points in Banff, although once summer rolls around I plan on doing the hike up it.

Monday, April 1, 2013

A very frigid Lake Louise

While I'm away in the sun, in Varadero, Cuba this week, I thought I'd share with you some beautiful winter photos. If you can't escape the tail end of winter, than why not celebrate it in beautiful Lake Louise. The lake is still frozen over, the mountains still perfectly snow covered and there's still the last bit of ski season to enjoy!